Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 6: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever)

How was your weekends? Hope they've been nothing short of awesome (: I had a very nice, relaxing, productive weekend. Ran, cooked and even uploaded a video! For your convenience, you can either click on the link provided or just simply scroll down :D Now jumping straight to my sixth installment;


Day 6: Five people who mean a lot (in no order whatsoever).
  1. Siew Shu Pig. Hehehehee, my dearest BFF. She has been there for me all the way. We were broke together, we went through all our break ups together, we went through thick and thin together. We are the kind of best friends who don't hold back anything; when we see each other doing something wrong, we are each other's wake up call. When I am feeling down, she is always the first person I look for. How is it possible that we're not blood related? Anyways, shu shu, if you're reading this, I miss you! I know you're damn busy with your work right now but meet up soonish okay? Love you!
  2. Mommy Quek. Duh. Even though we always quarrel and our fights are reminiscent of clash of the Titans, I love that woman. Her words are sometimes filled with sarcasm, but I know I'm a very stubborn person, and she needs to do that to kind of, wake me up. But she's still the one who comes into my room every night, making sure that I'm properly tucked in and my feet aren't cold. She's the one who took the public transport system everyday when I was in secondary school to fetch me home after school. She's the one who always has me in her heart, wherever and whenever. I think I'm in denial that my parents are aging; I really can't fathom the day I would lose them. I just can't.
  3. Daddy Quek. The man who fetches me everywhere and anywhere without hesitation. The man who makes me my cup of awesome coffee every morning before I go to work. The man who shares his food with me even though it's his dinner/lunch and he's probably really hungry but because I wanted to eat it so he shares it. He's a man of few serious words; but when he does say it, it really means so much more. He's the man, who I picture my future husband to be like (if I am ever getting hitched), the kind of father I want my kids to have. Daddy, it has been hard on you, and I love you for everything you did.
  4. Korkor Quek. My korkor. I fcking love my korkor. I am always telling the people around me; if ever anything untoward ever happens to my korkor, I will be like 
    . Saying that I am fiercely protective of my brother is an understatement. Growing up, my korkor has been an exemplary role model to me. He doesn't bully me. And he really dotes on me a lot. I can't ever thank my lucky stars enough for giving me this korkor. :') Hello korkor, I really appreciate everything you do for me; from lending money to me when I'm broke to not being a tattletale to mommy; everything. 


You must be wondering why there's only four people mentioned. /shrugs. You know, I know. If you don't know, then it's alright too. /weaksmile.

So here's a mini update on last week:

Finally tried Nam Nam with my colleague :D I would say it's worth queuing during lunch hour because there is a fantastic lunch set meal promotion going on; a bowl of Sliced Beef Pho, Iced Coffee and Vietnamese Spring Rolls at only $9.90 nett! The beef slices were really really good, they were tender and juicy and the soup was really tasty yet light at the same time (Y).

Wednesday saw me in town after work with Minzies and Johanna. Initially we wanted to go for some Sushi Bar lovin', but the shop was too packed with reservations we had to give it a miss :( Damn sad, I'm still looking forward to trying it one day, any takers?

BUT, I don't regret going to Wasabi Tei in replacement. I mean, just look at the salmon sashimi. This plate costs $12, for 6 slices. If you think $2 a slice is expensive, think again..

I MEAN JUST LOOK AT THE THICKNESS OF THEM SLICES?! They were the perfect temperature, perfect thickness, perfect taste. I had one of those "life is good" moments while nomming on these babies. ^^ 

And my dinner at Wasabi Tei. Grilled Salmon set. The whole meal (inclusive of rice, soup, appetiser, hot green tea, watermelon slices plus half the additional order of sashimi) set me back about $23. Which I would say is a very value for money meal since I get really good quality food in return! The salmon was grilled to perfection, not too flaky and the sauce? Oh god. (OvO)

Wasabi Tei
14 Scotts Road
#05-70 Far East Plaza
Tel: 62388216

Have no idea why my hair was incredibly pong that day. Really don't understand why some people dig thick hair so much..

Found out the Smoothie King at Suntec City opened on Thursday, I was SOOOO ELATED!! As you all know, I ABSOLUTELY ADOREEEE THE FOOD AT SMOOTHIE KING. Yummy, and healthy, what's not to love??? 

Had my favourite combination, Hot & Grill Teriyaki Chicken wrap with a regular Angel Food. A typical combo like this would costs you around $12.80. I know, not exactly cheap, BUT YOU HAVE TO TRY IT. SOOOOO SO SO GOOD.

Have been going bare skin (other than untinted sunblock and concealor as my base) lately. Funny how when we were younger, all we wanted to do was to cake our face with all sorts of make up, but now that we're older, all we want to do is slap on as little as possible. Pfft, girls.

The aftermath of trudging forth in my Jeffrey Campbell clinic :( Cray cray painful abrasion. HAISH.

AND FRYDAY FINALLY!!! Going bare face again :D Really like the whole mascara look, but its a pity my face is too darn huge and my eyes too darn small pfft why can't they switch adjectives???


Mood picking up as the day progressed because I was gonna watch Pacific Rim with A at night! :D And YES PACIFIC RIM WAS AMAZE-BALLS :O II'm a sucker for anything that has fight scenes and robots. What a bummer Singapore doesn't have Comic Con :(

And because A only knocked off at 9ish that day, I had tons of time to kill. So I bought Angel Food (again yes) for dinner and walked all the way from Suntec to Yangtze cinema to board the first 190 HAHHAAHHAAHAHAHHA. I mean, I had to finish that cup of smoothie anyways so just walk uh, can burn some fats also. Doesn't hurt that Smoothie King had a 50% off from 18-20 July :D

#OOTD for Fryday, entirely decked in Topshop and TOMs on ma feet.

Yummy yummy Angel Food, why you so yummy?!?!?!?!

So I reached home at 8ish, washed my face and realised at the last minute whilst primping that I LEFT MY MAKE UP POUCH IN OFFICE!!!!! :'( BOOHOOOOOOOOO all my make up essentials stuck in office zzz. Seriously a mood downer. So here's a picture of my mehhhh lashes. So myth busted, YSL and Shu Uemura are like O.O WHOA TOO GOOD TO LEAVE IN OFFICE.

Saturday, basically just nuaing like a boss at home and editing video and more nuaing. I managed to peel myself from my bed in the evening to go for a run :D So proud of myself; probably should make this a weekly thing and slowly up the frequency.

Sunday, my korkor's shoes and mine. My korkor so sweet lehh, the other time we were at Royal Sporting House and he was telling me he wanted to buy Sperry and I was just trying them on and casually commented, "waaa likka nice ah, I also want leh korkor." 

Next thing I know, he sent me this on whatsapp on Tuesday:

and he replied with a "I left the place already" because I was tuitioning and replied him late. So I didn't think much of it. On Saturday, he came home and went "Oh I got something to show you." And he brought out the shoes. TvT KORKORRRRRRRRRRRRR SANKS YOU SO MUCHHHHH /HEARTSHAPETIMESINFINITY.

Sunday family lunch at Mei Chin Food Centre. Some duck noodles loving. The soup was very delicious, not too herbal yet aromatic ;D

Accidental photo while getting in the car LOL. But nice uh the weather on Sunday HAHAHHAA.

Really naked face before my facial :/ 

And I went home after to cook dinner!! :D Hehehehe, mommy said, "okay laaaa thank you ahhh not bad" LOLOLOL. Thanks thanks /pageantwave 

Gordon Ramsay's Miso Salmon :D Very yummy and costs only $9.55 in all. His recipe didn't call for soba noodles but, I need some carbohydrates to fill my stomach so I added soba into the recipe. And if you're wondering if its good..

of course it is :3

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