Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 7: Four turn-offs


Day 7: Four turn-offs.
  1. Talking non-stop about yourself. Nothing screams arrogance like going on and on and on relentlessly about yourself. How I deal with it? Usually I will try to be calm and just slowly try to interject in between if we're conversing. However, if you don't get the hint, usually I'll just give up, shut up and roll my eyes until you're done boosting your own ego. Piss off. 
  2. Over-friendliness. When I am first introduced to a foreign environment, I am one who keeps to myself; I would assess the said environment first and then evaluate my next step. If someone approaches me, I would be polite of course, and engage in friendly random chit chat, just for courtesy sake. Body language, baby. If I am keen to engage in further conversation, I would. If I'm not, please stop trying your luck. For the next few occasions of chatter, it would be a social obligation for me to reply you. Afterwards, you're just being plain annoying. 
  3. Fickle-minded. MAKE UP YOUR FREAKING MIND. I am the kind of person who, 90% of the time, likes to plan my schedule. I like to stick to a routine of sorts. If we're heading out for a night out, I like a rough blue print of where exactly we're going, what time and what's the 411. I am not being anal retentive to the extent of needing to know the plans of something that's not going to materialise months later. But seriously, if we're going out in 5 hours time and you're still telling me, "eh I don't know eh, let you know later?" DRIVES ME NUTS. Indecisiveness for me doesn't just entails the above example, but also the general character of the person. 
  4. Stupidity (from laziness and ignorance). I always believe there is no such thing as a stupid person, an ugly person or a fat person. Everything you want to be in life, is a choice. I am not talking about people who are genetically born handicapped in the above areas but those who are too ignorant to do something about their situation. If you think you're not good looking enough, take extra care of your skin or learn to apply make up to make yourself look better. If you think you're obese, stop eating so much junk food and exercise! If you realise you don't understand half the things people around you say, take the initiative to GO READ UP. If it's something selective like music or sports, I can understand if you don't know (and not keen to know), but things like current affairs.. ARGH. I absolutely hate it when people go, "Ohhhh why am I so fatttttttt" and there they go stuffing their face silly with food; or "Ohhhhhhh why my face like this why my pores so big blahblah" but they go about without taking care of their skin even when they're advised to. Basically, I just abhor people who keep making the same mistakes despite being told the correct way to do certain things. 

Well, hopefully I didn't offend anyone with this post. If you feel like I'm talking about you, maybe you're thinking too much (or are you really?) LOL. Whatever the case, perhaps from time to time I do commit the above points too, and I apologise sincerely for making you want to pull all your hair out :D

Have an awesome Tuesday! :D

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